I’ll give you this — your follow up here is far more rhetorically sound than your initial comment, which to me suggested that the Right is somehow immune to the same behavior liberals have shown here recently. They absolutely are not. I also don’t agree that the people who didn’t vote are to blame. We don’t know if they would have affected the outcome or not. (Probably, but we’ll never know) Nor do we have any reason to believe that Clinton would be in any way worse than Trump. For example, many people didn’t like Clinton’s hawkish stance on North Korea. Gosh — we have a POTUS who is trying to start a war on Twitter with them, so I’m not sure we’re better off now. I’m not sure Trump is actually any different than Clinton in terms of policy. Trump has ramped up drone strikes, failed to repeal the ACA, reinstituted TPP. Hillary would be more polite on social media, but I’m not sure that the right presented a disaster by electing Trump. I get that this narrative is popular on the Right, I’m just not sure there’s any validity to it. Good day to you.