I see that you went to the Louise Mensch School of Pounding Dissenting Views into Dust. Sorry, that doesn’t work on me. Your circular reasoning aside, no, in point of fact, precisely nothing is “abundantly clear.” Nor am I pretending anything. What is clear is the irony that you want people to be incredulous with CNN without applying the same level of scrutiny to your reporting. There is a word for that — hypocrisy.
I agree that something about that video seems off. But that doesn’t mean that CNN orchestrated the entire thing. There are three possibilities. 1. It’s legit. 2. CNN faked it. 3. CNN was duped. Your (interestingly shared by the god damned and totally trustworthy RT) premise that somehow a few tweets from a 7 year old would somehow trigger a war in Syria is arguably the most ridiculous assertion I’ve ever heard. Oh, and did it work? Nope.
I know I know. Blah blah blah Deep State and blah blah blah False Flag. But let’s think about this for a second. You’re using Russian propaganda to disprove American propaganda. That’s legit? Doesn’t exactly rise to the level of Horatio Alger muckraking does it? Again, why do you get to make these leaps, but it’s disingenuous when CNN does it?
So no — nothing here is abundantly clear, aside from your desire to press an agenda.